Archive for April, 2018

Oh geez, I posted my Ask Black Witch a week earlier than intended. Whoops.

I have been quite busy and one reason is because I’ve been working on a separate project for my creative writings called MultiMind. That’s due to go live soon and it’s just like starting Black Witch all over again.

Actually, I still remember when I first started Black Witch. I saw there was a call for new bloggers on Afro-Punk (this is way before Afro-Punk turned into what it is now, which I am very much not really cool with) and I responded. Because I was so excited and wanted things to work out well, I made this site because a) I wanted to own my own writings and b) it be an escape chute in case anything goes south with Afro-Punk. I wanted to post weekly there but got slated to be bi-weekly on an old series called The Establishment. Then Afro-Punk changed to what it is now, I left and stayed on this site since.

I remember looking at the low stats at the start and giving myself rules on how to run the site so that I don’t change too dramatically or lose focus since I figured if any major changes would have to happen, let it be at the start where few people are going to see them. I created the bolt logo, made the site look the way it does today, etc etc. I really did the best I could to build this place from the ground up and this was while I was still in college. I still remember handwriting posts in the middle of my classes. I still have the journal I started Black Witch with.

MultiMind exists because, frankly, I always wanted to be a published writer since I was about ten years old so this is something I wanted for twenty years. Now, I’m a bit more in a place where I can seriously do that. This means I have to learn new formats (submission manuscript format is a pain, let me tell you), make a new site, more branding, stuff like that. It’s been a work in progress for about a year, now.

I’m happy that my writings are published in academic books and such but I want to publish creative writings, not academic ones. I can deconstruct media in my sleep, hurrah, but that’s not what I really want to do.

This doesn’t mean that Black Witch is going anywhere. Not in the least. MultiMind is going to have a different posting schedule and because it’s mostly having to submit works to be published, I don’t feel as bad if I go a week or three without posting on that site. I had to figure out a way to keep MultiMind and Black Witch separated but together. One thing that is definitely certain: I won’t be talking magick and witchcraft on MultiMind and I won’t be talking about my creative writings here. They’re separate spaces for separate reasons. This is to keep things easier on me.

TL;DR – I have my fingers in a lot of pies, basically.

I want to learn how to send something so potent and deadly to my enemy(ies) that it will definitely work and that they won’t be able to negate it, or, especially send it back to me. Do you have anything that could make someone get terminally ill or make them have a fatal accident? I will be very happy if you do and will fallow it diligently. Please tell me you have something.

P.S. I need to contact a loved one from the other side. There is something I didn’t get to say to them while they were alive and I have tremendous guilt. Please teach me how to do it. Thank you.

– Ford Danniel

This fool, honestly. This is some pretty vile stuff to enter my inbox and I’ve seen some doozies! This is the diamond representation of why I don’t do spell requests. This is honestly absolutely trash, hence why his name isn’t abbreviated – you come here with this type nonsense, you need to stand by it. This dude had the absolute audacity to ask anyone to harm people he personally don’t like in a horrible way…oh! And to be the bridge between someone who died because he feels guilty over stupid stuff they did when they were alive.

Are you f*cking serious?

You have to be absolutely beyond twenty shades of stupid to even think this is even remotely okay somehow. Liiiiiiiiike, breh, if you got enemies like that, just get a freakin’ gun and dust them like all these other morons out here. And this is coming from someone who is very pro-gun control. (I came from the inner city, I’m not interested in debate, everyone. You’re free to try but it’s going to end poorly. I used to work at the Library of Congress, trust that I really don’t care for stupidity.) Why be a fool and ask a person who literally has zero bones in your problems like I supposed to care or even remotely help?

And you want a way to not have this happen to you back? This is a freaking coward talking and one that does not know anything about magick. There’s no such thing as being perfectly bulletproof, especially when fixes and jinxes are involved. You can’t even fight your own battles, dude! You gotta come to someone else to do it! Bro, if you can’t take it – don’t dish it. Stop being a spineless punk and go off somewhere to stew in your own anger that you can’t handle. You must think everyone is your enemy, don’t you?

If you want to harm someone, do it your own self. And on top of that, why would I waste any of my time, energy or due diligence trying to connect such a person with someone who is on the other side. Maybe that guilt should eat you alive because you certainly didn’t learn from it, nary a wit.

My daughter and I were making Alum crystals last night and this morning when we checked on them there was something in the middle. I’ve made Alum crystals many times in the past there’s never been anything in the middle of one but there’s something in two of them is it possible to catch an energy that someone had sent our way or that was perhaps just there within an Alum Crystal? If you know or know someone who would please let me know my daughter wants to break it open and I won’t let her

– Christina R.

This is where a “cigar is just a cigar”. For everyone not in the know, an alum crystal is a human-made crystal that you, too, can make as a fun science experiment using stuff you find in your kitchen and at the supermarket. It looks like a diamond cluster. Then you can make pickles with the alum!

Now, alum can be used in magick for protection and suches buuuuuuut this sounds like you just had a regular science experiment that simply had a mutation of some sort. It happens. Welcome to science. It doesn’t automatically mean that the crystal caught whatever was aiming for you. If the crystal was not charged with the intent to do such, then that’s probably not what happened.

W00t, Black Witch is on Vero! It mainly features my 3D prints because I like to take pictures of them but I despise the current creation of Instagram. This means I steered to Vero, a new picture sharing app. No algorithm (for now), no ads (always a plus for me), it’s spiffy.

What is also great because I have added new stuff to the BW Shoppe. I first put up stuff for bookbinders, such as sewing cradles and awl guides I hand-designed because I, too, do book arts.

That did pretty well and I have added more things to the shop that are more Pagan oriented. I really am most proud of the gender phone/ key charms that I created:

These are available in the BW Shoppe in individual forms and in packs.

I also had created knickknacks using the BW logo, the bolt, and went from there. Partly because I love art toys and while these are a bit off from the traditional vinyl, I still think they are nifty. Those will be up soon, stick around!

Ah not long since I posted my Ask Black Witch, which featured a tidbit about love and magick, I got this doozy:

How to get the maximum results from use of female voodoo doll regarding nothing negative. The use of doll is on my wife. Her attitude and disposition toward me has been very negative!! I appreciate your assistance. Thank you very much

– Lamont M.

Breh. Why do people send messages like this to me? Why? Whhhhhhhhhhhy?

Why did this dude first say “regarding nothing negative” but turn right around and say “The use of the doll is on my wife. Her attitude and disposition toward me has been very negative[.]” That’s regarding something negative. If she has a terrible attitude, don’t do Voodoo – TALK TO HER.

Everyone, relationships are hard. This is for everyone. You have two very imperfect people trying to make companionship work. If you have a problem with the person you are dating (or, in this case, marriage) try talking to them. For real, regardless of whether you are:

– Dude dating a woman
– Dude dating a dude
– Woman dating a woman
– Cis dating trans
– Trans dating trans
– Cis dating cis
– Gendered person dating genderless person
– Genderless person dating genderless person

If you’re having problems, talk to the person! If talking can’t fix it, then consider giving it the chop. Seriously. To control the other is a bad sign. Like, it points to abuse. Always. If you need to control someone to get them off your case, then consider divorcing or breaking up with them. It may suck but it’s not abuse, which is always worse. Be more civil working it out or just leave the relationship if it is that irreparable.

Writing to me with an “I want to control my woman because I don’t like her attitude, will you help” message is never a bright idea. I’m very predictably going to say this is an act of abuse, to not do it and call the person a moron for trying – I very predictably don’t like abusiveness. When have I ever said or done anything otherwise in the near ten years that I have been penning this blog? (Holy Oya, it’s almost been ten years. Oh my gods.) This dude needs to put the voodoo dolls down and instead talk to his wife about why she’s giving him grief. Silencing her on a problem doesn’t make the problem go away.