Archive for January, 2020

No The Arts! because I have been busy fixing my 3D printer. Received one question but it was trash. This means another Black Witch free space.

I shall grace you with “Parole de Chat”, hilarious French cat videos

I love watching these.

I also grace you with a strutting fashion kitty.

The Lull of the Trickster

I have noticed something recently. Perhaps it’s my curated online experience, but I noticed that trickster entities have gotten a bit of a boost in pop culture popularity over the last few years. For example, Loki (due to Marvel), Anansi (due to American Gods*), and in general culture (I guess in pop witchy culture) there is a charm to having “trickster vibes”.

This is all really sweet and cute. It’s nice that different entities are having their fun in the sun. Including ones to literally invented the concept of giving others the shaft – or, if they’re bored, make you give it to yourself.

Trickster entities can be useful. In some ways, they are startlingly honest and to the letter. The problem tends to be that you don’t always know where the honesty lives and which letter they are sticking to until the very end – usually after the trick is over. Trickster deities are clever, that’s their thing, but they are not for newbies. The biggest fumble I seem to be informed is that people summon and get surprised they don’t get what they expect.

What I mean is they summon Anansi, expect to see Orlando Jones. Who is an actor. A great actor. But still, not a trickster deity. Also, the allure of a trickster entity is fun looking, because who doesn’t love a good prank? Watching one play out, I mean. Most don’t like to be on the receiving end of one.

It’s too easy to rattle my cane and go “stay away from those tricksters, you whippersnapper!” Sounds haughty and such. There are people who work, pray and practice with trickster entities – “entities” because not all of them are deities, they could be spirits, sprites or other beings as well. Because these entities are part of life, not something to throw away or ignore. However, working with them is not easy. They will teach you lessons, important ones, but it can really sting. And if my inbox shows me one thing, the average person hates when the cosmos goes “lolz” at their expense.

If anything, it would probably be better to say to have some experience under your belt before working with these types of entities. At least enough so you know when it’s time to say “enough”. And to know that you can’t just outwit a trickster. I get those in my inbox as well. Letters along the lines of “Wanted something, asked a trickster to do a thing for me, tried to cheat the trickster because I never intended to pay/think this would work/assume there would be backfire, trickster cheated me instead – how could they?!”. Usually sent by newbies.

Trickster entities are important, they teach you lessons – usually hard lessons and with very little padding. It doesn’t matter how thick skinned you are, how unruffled you believe you can be – they can find a slip in the armor and make it seem like a planet could fit through. However, they’re also remarkably tricky. It really is astonishing how many people forget this exact fact. “I made them promise to keep their word” never works, but I have heard this one. At least twice.

So, I think its nice that more entities and deities besides the usual roster are being picked and worked with but a good tip: If you learned about them from comics or fiction, maybe do some research first. Because what you see is not going to be what you get.




*Yes, I’m aware of the recent issue about American Gods and how they unfairly booted Orlando Jones. I loved him on MadTv and Everybody Hates Chris