It has been quiet here, hasn’t it? I just am slogging through a lot so posting can be a bit of a quibble for me. Yesterday was the 14th anniversary of Black Witch. Yes, I’m still here.

To update about the UMBC/Paula situation – Paa Langley has been gone from UMBC Library since January. The university gave her early retirement very quietly and slipped her out the back as if a ghost. I’m still banned from there, however, because the Uni decided to go back on their word of it being over in January (which now makes sense, they expected Paula to be gone by then most likely. I thought it was an odd amount of time) so that’s been requiring lawyers as usual. What I am dealing with is basically what Columbia Uni and CUNY protester students will be facing – a whole lot of double talking, bs and university lawyers pretending to be judges just to protect problems, basically. Oh, and the school will grandstand on “ensuring diversity”. It sucks. I’d like to have a single academic experience that doesn’t see me getting fired, banned, etc. I’d rather have a boring everyday life.

But yeah, I’m still here. I have noticed an upsweep of new age stuff (basically: Everyone Thinks They’re a Dark Witch Tarot Reader Now). It’s something I’ll eventually post on because wow is it different from when Black Witch – well, not the fluffy bunny dabbling, that seems to never change – first started but first, gotta get a lot of mess out of the way.